No162 My Black Swan minimal movie poster
A ballet dancer wins the lead...
No074 My saturday night fever minimal movie poster
A Brooklyn youth feels his only...
No1002 My Flashdance minimal movie poster
A Pittsburgh woman with two jobs...
No888 My Scent of a Woman minimal movie poster
A prep school student needing money...
No856 My HAIRSPRAY minimal movie poster
Pleasantly plump teenager Tracy Turnblad teaches...
No832 My Silver Linings Playbook minimal movie poster
After a stint in a mental...
No744 My Happy Feet minimal movie poster
Into the world of the Emperor...
No610 My Footloose minimal movie poster
A city teenager moves to a...
No597 My Billy Elliot minimal movie poster
A talented young boy becomes torn...
No298 My Dirty Dancing minimal movie poster
Spending the summer in a holiday...